Congratulations you're pregnant ... and now the real fun begins!
Once the morning sickness has worn off, and the pregnancy fatigue has become manageable, the shopping begins.
If this isn't your first rodeo in babytown then you should be ok without reading this article. However, first time parents - beware, not all prams were created equal.
It is easy to look at an object with 4 wheels and a baby-shaped space and think 'that is all I need', but no, there is more to choosing a pram than that.
In this article we will try and explain the five main pram systems so you can decide which design you are looking for. Click through the gallery below for all the details.
Pssst - this is step one in our FREE eBook 'Finding you Perfect Pram'. If you haven't already we recommend you download it here.
FAQ'S (at this stage!)
So now you have the five main system designs in your head, you may have even more questions.
It's ok, it gets easier! Just read on...
FAQ 1: Some prams have a different attachment for the newborn stage to the toddler stage. Why do manufacturers do this and is it necessary?
Full Pram System - These designs include a bassinet for newborn and a toddler-seat for later stages. And with most brands you can attach your infant car capsule to the chassis as well, meaning you have three different modes to use it in.
FAQ 2: I've seen some prams that you can attach an infant car capsule to - which type of system is this?
Refer to FAQ 1 for more on this question. Normally full pram systems allows you to add your capsule to your chassis as an option. While some of the other systems allow for capsule attachment as the way to make their stroller safe to use for the newborn stage.
FAQ 3: If a travel stroller is meant to be used for air travel, can I use it as my full time pram?
Yes of course! As long as you don't need it for your newborn, or it has a newborn-safe option(see FAQ 1).
FAQ 4: OK, so the travel stroller and 'just a stroller' may not be ok for newborns - what should I do?
Always ask what is available for your chosen model. There may be a newborn option(Refer to FAQ 1) you can buy separately so the pram is safe to use for a newborn. Be sure you are happy with whatever design is on offer. Make sure it is safe and factor any extra cost into your budget.
Of course, never put your newborn into a stroller or pram that isn't rated for newborn transport.
FAQ 5: Why should we avoid a 3 wheeled stroller if we want to be able to load our pram into the car?
3 wheeled strollers are great for exercise, so they are built to be durable. This means they can be heavier than some prams. Also they tend to have a longer wheelbase than standard 4 wheeled prams, so can be quite awkward to load into the car. But if that doesn't bother you (and if your car boot is big enough) then there's nothing stopping you being ok with a 3 wheeled stroller.
Lightweight and easy to store.
FAQ 7: What is the top benefit of a 3 wheeled stroller?
Great for exercising with and often have nice roomy toddler-seats.
FAQ 8: What is the top benefit of 'just a stroller'?
Price - you are getting the wheels but without the cost and extra fancy features(and newborn option).
FAQ 9: What is the top benefit of a full pram system?
It's versatile - one purchase gets your everything you need in one highly adaptable system.
FAQ 10: Is any system design safer than another for my baby? What should I look out for to be sure?
Pram Safety. Safety is covered in a whole other article you can read here. Yes, there is a standard of safety that all prams should reach. The standard is set out in AS/NZ 2008 and all prams sold here in Australia should be tested to, and have passed, the safety testing.
As long as your chosen model has passed the required safety testing then all is fine. Of course, there are some pram models sold here from overseas that haven't been tested so avoid purchasing those models. If you aren't sure, ask or check the safety labels. There are more points on pram safety here.
FAQ 11: A pram that can take two children? What is this called? Which system is this?
If you have twins on the way(...congratulations btw...) you will want to look at a side-by-side double. However, as with the single mode prams, not all are the same and you must make sure the pram you are looking at is safe for newborns,
Other prams(normally a full pram system design) start off in single mode and then you can buy adaptors and an extra seat or bassinet to turn it into a dual or tandem pram to accommodate your growing family. However, there are pros and cons with these systems too, so check out this article here before making your decision.
Did we miss a question? Ask it here.
So, to conclude, there are many different pram systems out there. It may seem confusing but one of them will be the perfect pram for you! Weigh up your personal pros and cons to discover what type of pram to research further. Study your lifestyle - that's step 2 in our Free eBook 'Finding your Perfect Pram'. Checkout and download below!